Some impairments can be cured; some impairments can be remedied.

Conductive hearing loss is often a temporary condition, which is caused by impedance to transmission of sound in the outer or middle ear (for example, due to earwax). This condition can be cured by medical treatment or through surgery, but it’s important to seek medical attention early in order to avoid a situation, where the ear suffers permanent damage.

Sensorineural hearing loss is incurable, but hearing aids or a cochlear implant can improve the condition. This condition occurs as a result of problems in the inner ear and is most often due to tiny hair cell damage in the cochlea. Sometimes this condition is inherited.

A hearing aid, in this instance, can ensure that a child gets maximum benefit from any remaining hearing ability.

In some cases, where the hearing loss is profound or a child is deaf, a surgically implanted cochlear implant can benefit the child. (A cochlear implant is a device that transforms sound into electronic impulses that are then transmitted to the cochlear in the inner ear.)

Can you Treat Hearing Loss?
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